Social Project

The Syncopation Society together with Verband der Musikschulen, Cabuwazi and WeTek is proposing a new activity at the Youth center of Altglienicke (Treptow-Köpenick) funded by the Kultur macht stark program. Each week a band comes to rehearse and presents what they play to a small group of teens afterward. The first goal is to communicate our passion for early jazz by playing it and showing musical instruments. We especially want to show the existing relations between early jazz and nowadays music in rhythm and harmony.

Another aspect is to take a closer look at the different careers revolving around music in the media industry. The children will be involved in recording and filming a concert, thus engaging with audio and video equipment.

Given the COVID restrictions, the sessions are currently happening online on the platform Discord with videos and Live sessions.

Jam Sessions

There are many Jam Sessions in Berlin but nothing for musicians, jazz lovers and dancers. We launched the Jam Cats Session in 2018 and the interest steadily grew ever since.

Sadly Freudenzimmer, the club that hosted us, won’t reopen its doors after the pandemic. We will likely resume the sessions at Crack Bellmer in Friedrichshain. More to be announced soon!