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Eine Auswahl an Musik aus unserem Netzwerk
Rufus Temple Orchestra – New Orleans Joys
For their 2nd record, the Rufus Temple Orchestra has been polishing its sound to deliver a striking homage to Jelly Roll Morton. And as Joe Bebco from the Syncopated Times puts it: They didn’t just pick Morton out of a hat. They show an intimate appreciation of the material. “The Crave” has just the right Spanish tinge. “Shreveport Stomp” has that irresistible bounce, “Sweet Substitute” is played with more of a New Orleans lag than the current New Orleans bands give it. Anyone concerned whether traditional jazz is in good hands needs to give this album a listen.
Ragtime Nightmare – That Nasty Swing
2nd record of the Ragtime Nightmare, recorded at the WSLS studio, formerly located near Tempelhof and which no longer operates (sigh). This album rattles like a bucket of bolts and has got a very original flavour alternating between rough stomps that reminds of a classic New Orleans combo, and yet a whole lot of busy strings to add a more western feel to the mix.
The Jungle Jazz Band – The Animule Dance
Diese Platte ist das erste Werk, das die Jungle Jazz Band jemals aufgenommen hat, mit einer soliden Auswahl an heißen Melodien, die mit Bravour und Stil gespielt werden. Wir empfehlen, Joe Bebco‘s Album-Review auf der Syncopated Times Website zu lesen.