LOCATION: Ballhaus Prinzenallee, Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin

LOCATION (Thursday) Ballhaus Wedding, Wriezener Str. 6, 13359 Berlin

We want the festival to be as accessible as possible for everyone. Therefore we decided to set a variable pricing depending on different financial situations.
This idea has been successfully implemented in other festivals such as Fusion and reflects our intention to redistribute and share. We let everyone make choices for themselves on what they think is right to pay and don’t ask for proof. If you can’t pay much but are in Berlin maybe consider helping out some visitors by hosting them. There will be a group to put participants in touch. Please bear in mind that this system won’t work if you don’t play fair.

You will able to sign up to the daytime activities during the event and pay on the spot. The Panels are accessible on donation basis.
Code of conduct
The “are you syncopated?!” festival operates under a code of conduct that seeks to provide all people – whether there to participate, work or perform – with a set of standards that are mandatory for us to come together.
It is our aim to create a safe, respectful and welcoming environment for everybody. Within the Syncopation Society we are working to develop an anti-racist and feminist common ground. Through self-education we are striving to recognise and stop racist, discriminatory, sexist and homophobic behaviour, as well as other forms of social injustice. We want to remove the barriers established by economic inequality. Important to us is also that the venue of the festival is accessible for people with all kinds of physical conditions.
We want to celebrate diversity in all its forms. We invite you to do the same. We seek to recognize unconscious bias and act against obvious or micro-aggressions towards others. As we might not be aware of everything, please help us and let us know if you are missing essentials that you need to feel included and comfortable, or if you experience or witness an unpleasant situation. We are always available for you.
As a collective made up of musicians, DJs and dancers the Syncopation Society feels deeply that it is vital, not only to give recognition to the creators of the music we perform and dance to but to also acknowledge the world in which they lived and the struggles they faced due to systematic racism.
An important part of providing musical education – to keep Early Jazz alive and relevant – is to acknowledge that Jazz is derived in a significant part from the Blues. It has its central roots in and is the creation of African-American culture and people. Jazz’s rich cultural heritage was itself born out of a cross pollination of ideas, styles or influences promoting mutual respect regardless of one’s background.
We aim to keep educating ourselves on Black heritage. To avoid cultural appropriation requires an amount of reverence and acknowledgement of history and context. This challenge is important to us in many aspects of life.
The main action (workshop + general track as well as Friday – Sunday night) will take place at BALLHAUS PRINZENALLEE, Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin. More TBA.
In case we are sold out you can get in touch and ask to be on the waiting list here: registration@syncopation.de We will get in touch if there are more tickets.
We will keep a small contingent of tickets reserved to musicians that would like to attend the festival and jam sessions. In case we are sold out, you can get in touch.
We have a price policy that should allow as many people as possible to attend. If you want to get in for even less money or simply want to help, please get in touch and inquire about possibilities to volunteer: registration@syncopation.de
Please see terms and conditions.
For any questions regarding the festival please send an e-mail to registration@syncopation.de Communication can be done in either German or English.
We might bring someone reading a crystal ball to our Saturday Syncopation Night. But as of now we have no idea of what is going to happen in September. We will keep you updated in case any special rules will apply. When buying a ticket you accept the fact that we might ask for testing and vaccination or recovery status. We will also of course follow all official rules that may be in place by the time of the festival. See also terms and conditions.
For dancers we don’t differentiate between roles and styles. We just trust in the universe to balance itself out.
Festival passes will be personalized and can only be used by one person for the whole event. Please get in touch in case you want to sell your pass to someone else: registration@syncopation.de. Also see terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions
Children under age must come accompanied by their parents.
Cancellation conditions and refund
If you want to cancel your ticket you can do so until August 15, 2022 the latest. Please send an email to registration@syncopation.de. We will reimburse your ticket minus a service fee of 15 Euros. You can sell your ticket to someone else (for the maximum price that you’ve paid yourself) but have to notify us and send the contact of the new participant to: registration@syncopation.de
In case of force majeure or illness, we will refund your ticket minus 15 Euros until September 27, 2022. Proof of this must be provided by e-mail to registration@syncopation.de.
If the festival has to be canceled due to force majeure, we will refund the amount minus 25% administrative costs. We will not be able to refund any other costs such as housing, transport and other expenses related to your planned visit. Force majeure does not include a cancellation of the event for a lack of participants.
Code of conduct
If you disregard our code of conduct (see above), you may be asked to leave without any refunds given.
Corona guidelines
A (post-)pandemic world requires adaptations in hygienic measures, official rules and (our own) ethics to go by. We believe that the majority of dancers are up to date and conscious about the risk of their own and other people’s health. We expect that you do not join the festival if you are sick with the possibility of having and spreading Covid-19.
The Corona rules officially in force at the time of the event in Germany/Berlin apply to the event. We reserve the right to stipulate stricter guidelines that deviate from these. It is likely that we will ask all participants to provide daily antigen tests for attending the event. This will be at your own responsibility and expenses. Should this be the case, we will inform all participants in good time before the event by e-mail.
No addition of dance powder on our floors is allowed, this can lead to injuries with less experienced dancers. We kindly asked the non dancing audience to take care that they don’t bring dirt onto the dancefloor and possibly change their shoes before entering the dancefloor too if need be (bad weather).
You give us your personal data and we will store them and take care of them internally and only on a secure server space located in Germany (Strato). We won’t share any information to third parties. The data will be only used for this event. You can subscribe to our newsletter about our future events and music releases – you can unsubscribe anytime from those by clicking the unsubscribe link in the bottom of those emails.
Documentation and marketing
By registering for Are You Syncopated?! you agree to potentially appear in pictures and video made, shared and used on social media for our own marketing purposes.
Recording of teaching contents / lesson structures and workshop summaries require approval of the teacher/s and filmed person/s.
Syncopation Society GbR does not take any responsibility for incidents and/or injuries nor for personal items or valuables that are lost or stolen during the event. Look out for yourself and for others as well please. Especially if you are traveling from abroad, please make sure that your health and liability insurance are covered.
The organiser reserves the right to change the announced program Likewise, temporal or spatial postponements may take place. These will be announced in good time before or during the event.