Download Category: Music albums
A selection of music from our network
Rufus Temple Orchestra – New Orleans Joys
For their 2nd record, the Rufus Temple Orchestra has been polishing its sound to deliver a striking homage to Jelly Roll Morton. And as Joe Bebco from the Syncopated Times puts it: They didn’t just pick Morton out of a hat. They show an intimate appreciation of the material. “The Crave” has just the right Spanish tinge. “Shreveport Stomp” has that irresistible bounce, “Sweet Substitute” is played with more of a New Orleans lag than the current New Orleans bands give it. Anyone concerned whether traditional jazz is in good hands needs to give this album a listen.
Ragtime Nightmare – That Nasty Swing
2nd record of the Ragtime Nightmare, recorded at the WSLS studio, formerly located near Tempelhof and which no longer operates (sigh). This album rattles like a bucket of bolts and has got a very original flavour alternating between rough stomps that reminds of a classic New Orleans combo, and yet a whole lot of busy strings to add a more western feel to the mix.
The Jungle Jazz Band – The Animule Dance
This record is the first work ever recorded by the Jungle Jazz Band with a solid selection of hot tunes played with brashness and style. We recommend to read Joe Bebco‘s album review on the Syncopated Times website for a better insight.